Applications to Igor Soccer do not guarantee class placement.

Upon purchase of class packages, you hereby agree to the following policies:

It is the duty of the client to keep their most current contact information on file with the Igor Soccer office. Please make sure you inform us of all changes so we can stay in touch.

NO REFUNDS thereafter sign up (price varies per package). This includes SCHOOL CLASSES, PRIVATE LESSONS, PODS and CAMPS. We do not offer full or partial refunds of any kind.

Group and private lessons : Classes run in straight blocks from start date to finish, other than federal holidays. Coaches book out time to coach your children, and it is the sole responsibility of clients to attend the classes they have signed up for.

In the event that you decide to withdraw your child from the program, you must notify the Igor Soccer office as soon as possible and are responsible for all charges as stated in the above section.

We have a zero tolerance policy for bullying. Player and parent behavior which does not meet the expected standards of Igor Soccer will receive one warning and then are subject to removal from the program without refund and/or will not be invited to renew their package. This includes any form of bullying, rudeness, physical or verbal harm to other Igor Soccer players or staff.

No refunds or credits issued for missed classes.

Igor Soccer will send (2) emails when notifying you to renew your participants sessions. If you do not renew your package promptly, you run the risk of losing your spot in the program.

Absolutely no toys or snacks out of their containers during class. Parents must stand back from the field and stay socially distanced, except for the younglings class. Parents must remain at the location during their class/private lesson.

In the event of preexisting injuries or current illnesses that may interfere with classes, camp or birthday parties please speak directly to the coach or via our office to notify of any special needs or medical directives before the start of class. We will do our absolute best to accommodate.

Children who wear glasses must use shatterproof eyewear at all times. Children MUST wear sneakers / cleats or they will not be allowed to participate in class. Shorts are recommended.

Igor Soccer is not responsible for your personal belongings.

Uniforms are required. You will receive your uniform on your first day of class. Extra uniform shirts are available ($25 each).

All administrative questions must be referred to the office, not to the coaches. Your questions or comments are always welcome. Feel free to contact us via e-mail- igorvjbh@hotmail.com

Payment will be made to the office only. No payments will be made to coaches directly with the exception of the Owner.

In the event of extreme weather, act of God or any other reason beyond the control of Igor Soccer that classes cannot run, class credits will be frozen or held until classes can resume. No refunds will be issued, class credits of equivalent value will exist in until reopening.

Our marketing deals, coupons and vouchers may change at any time, please confirm validity with the office before purchase.

Igor Soccer does not guarantee the same coaches for every class. We do our best to remain consistent but our staffing is at the discretion of the operations department and coaches cannot be guaranteed.

Igor Soccer locations are subject to change. Clients will be notified via email.

Please note- By attending Igor Soccer classes you grant permission for your child’s photograph to be taken and used for our marketing unless otherwise stated in writing to the office.

User Agreement-

I certify that my child has no known medical or other conditions that could interfere with his/her participation in Igor Soccer sessions. It must be stated to us, and is the sole responsibility of the parent, nanny, caregiver or friend who brings the client to class.

I also understand and accept that the practice of soccer, both indoor and outdoor, involves certain risks of mental, emotional or physical injury.

Therefore, I, individually and on behalf of my child listed above, hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Igor Soccer, Inc. and each of its respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, representatives, employees, successors, assignees, and licensees (hereinafter, “the Released Parties”) from any and all claims, actions, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to any claims of negligence, arising out of, resulting from, by reason of, or in connection with my child’s participation in any Soccer Routes program or activity.

I agree that I will not bring or be a party to any legal action or claim against the Released Parties, or any of them, based upon or arising out of my child’s participation in any Igor Soccer program or activity on any legal theory whatsoever (including without limitation personal injury, negligence, rights of privacy and publicity, or defamation).

I understand and agree that Igor Soccer has the right to terminate the enrollment of any child from Igor Soccer if it, in its sole discretion, determines that the continued attendance of the child in the program is not in the best interest of the child nor the program. I agree to supervise or designate a responsible adult to supervise my child prior to and immediately after his/her Igor Soccer activities.

I understand and agree that in case of an allergic reaction, I am solely responsible for attending to and treating my child.


Igor Soccer clients (parent of legal guardian) must ALL sign our waiver (registration)form before they can step onto a Igor Soccer designated area or field. No exceptions. 

I agree that I the parent/guardian/ family member or friend who chooses to use Igor Soccer equipment prior to, during or after class, is considered theft by Igor Soccer and Igor Soccer takes no legal responsibility for ANY potential injury both physical or mental to any member (family or friend) taking part. 

I agree that Igor Soccer equipment is only to be used by Igor Soccer staff and clients(children) who have been signed into class via our legal digital waiver. I agree that Igor Soccer staff are the only people who can break down and build, move or carry our fields equipment. 

I agree and understand that Igor Soccer does NOT guarantee a certain coach for your child or for your class and Igor Soccer reserves the right to allocate its staff. 

I agree that when my sessions reach an end that I must renew within a certain time window to be determined by Igor Soccer or I may miss the chance to be in the class the following week or designated time.  Class placement is not guaranteed until renewal payment is received.

Please read carefully — We reserve the right to change our policies at any time.